Thursday, February 01, 2007

Reflecting on Fasting

"That evening the disciples came to him and said, 'This is a desolate place, and it is getting late. Send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves.'" Matthew 14:13-15

"......this is a desolate place, and it is getting late. Send the crowds away....."

WOW! Imagine! The crowds were in need of being SENT away. They must have been hungry, otherwise the disciples wouldn't have mentioned the need for food.

As we approach the last week of the fast are you feeling that you have been in a desolate place longing for the comfort of familiar food? Have you noticed that it's getting "late" so why not cheat a little now? Personally, I have never looked with longing on a pretzel before, but today I sure did....several times! However, as I contemplated what the crunch of the twisted pretzel would be like, I learned something from "The Crowd" that surrounded Jesus! They weren't going anywhere even if they were hungry! They were so hungry and thirsty for what Jesus had to offer that it was more than enough to keep them grounded in one place. They were so resolute with their stance of staying before Jesus that the disciples told him to "Send them away!"
If anyone in the crowd had walked to town to pick up a "burger" they would have missed one of Jesus' most talked about miracles--the feeding of the 5000!!!!! BUT...they didn't WANT to leave! They remained where they were!!!

Let's stand together as a crowd and press in to Jesus these last few days and perhaps we will receive our own little miracle! Even if we don't, I've realized that I would rather have HIM than a twisted pretzel!!!!

Praising HIM, Pressing IN, and Pondering His words!