Friday, June 01, 2007

Living for HIM

"For me to live is Christ and to die is gain" Philippians 1:21
God is teaching me this. He has been working on me for years to learn to long for HIS life instead of mine. Over the last several months HE has been showing me that I long for my ways over His ways. Specifically with me wanting one thing and then not getting what I want. It may be that I want to hang out with a certain group of women, make plans for that to happen and then HE intervenes and I am not where I want to be and not with who I want to be with. OR, I may want something to happen in my ministry and start walking in that direction and then HE intervenes and I don't get what I longed for.
After more than several incidents like this I finally caught on to what God was saying, "Anne, giving up your wants and desires is the key in acquiring my wants and desires for you!"
I must admit it has been a painful journey of dying to self and I have not arrived! However, this morning, after reading several chapters of "90 Minutes in Heaven" I realized that my heart is more willing to want what HE wants for me! I found myself asking HIM this morning, "God, what will bless YOU? What can I do with my life that will bless YOU?!" What's profound is that emotions on each side of the pendulum pravail: grief for giving up what I have been longing for and joy at the prospect of what God desires to do through me! Hope binds them together because I know that somewhere in the midst of all of this I believe my will is going to line up with HIS will and then the desires of my heart will be satisfied!!!!!
Do you want to join me in asking The King of Kings, "What can I do with my life that will bless you?"
Let's begin living for Christ!