Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Painting with Fire

So this one is for my teen girls out there! Those that love all things art...and those that I love! Have I told you how much you mean to me? It's so fun bowing before the Lord with you!

I painted with fire last week. It was AWESOME! The fire brought out the pattern of the wood. Without the fire the wood just looked like boring wood. But then the torch touched the surface and all of a sudden COLOR APPEARED!!! It was brown color and so beautiful. It had varying hues of brown. The colored DANCED! REALLY! It travelled in one direction of wood grain and then all of a sudden there was a twist in the grain and the color moved abruptly following the twist.

What are you following? Are you just going down the path not really making your own decisions? Are you following someone elses decision for you? It's ok to follow someone elses decision as long as it doesn't go against what the Lord is wanting you to do. But what is The Lord wanting YOU to do? Are you asking HIM? Are you allowing yourself to be the grain of wood that the fire of the Lord can travel down?

I've been thinking a lot about my own life and decision making. It's funny, but there have been several very difficult decisions I've had to make in the last several years where others have misinterpreted the motive behind my decision. That didn't feel good! Recently, the Lord has been showing me that my heart intentions were pure. That I didn't base my decision on someone else, or in anger, or on some faulty foundation. But I had made my decision based upon conviction from the Lord. HE is trying to show me that decisions based upon Godly conviction honors HIM! And you know what? Honoring and worshiping The King of Kings is really all I ever want to do!!!!

How about you? You want to honor The King with me? Then start making your decisions based upon Godly convictions! You may not always please people with your decision...but you will definitely please the Lord!

I love you girl and I'm praying for you! oh...btw...please don't paint with fire without your parents permission. In fact, let's just do that in art class...k?