Monday, December 03, 2007

Psalm 63:7

“For you have been my help,
and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy.” NASB

Lord, we dwell in the Shelter of the Most High and because of that we can rest in the shadow of the Almighty!

Pause and reflect on that truth from Psalm 91:1!

Ask HIM if there is any place that you are not dwelling in HIS shelter and then wait for HIM to reveal any place where your foot may not be stepping in HIS “nest”! If HE brings something to your mind be quick to confess it and ask for forgiveness.

Lord, you have been my help!

Thank HIM for specific ways in which HE has helped you in the past! It can be things from this week or from years gone by! Remember we are still thanking HIM for allowing the Israelites to pass through dry ground when HE parted the seas! It’s is an awesome thing to continually thank HIM for past “markers” in your life!

Since we are moving about under the shadow of YOUR mighty wings…

What does that look like in your life? Can you see yourself moving about with a huge shadow over your head! That shadow protected the Israelites from the intense heat through the desert! HIS shadow, HIS wings, protects us as we move into unchartered territories! This is our rightful position as HIS children!

Since we are moving about under the shadow of YOUR MIGHTY wings, we can sing for joy!

Joy, in the orginal Hebrew is Ranan (pronounced Raw-nan’). It means to cry out, to shout for joy, to give a ringing cry, to cry out in praise!

Now, imagine yourself walking about under the protective wing covering of The Almighty shouting out in praise! Singing out a song of victory BEFORE you get to your destination AS you are walking to your destination!!!

Lord, it is in this unified spirit that we march into land that you have led us to walk upon! YOU have been our help in the past, you protect us, and in response we sing for joy! Amen and Amen!