Friday, January 22, 2010

My Passion

I LOVE to make women cry! Proverbs 25:11 says, “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” And Proverbs 15:23 says, “A man finds joy in giving an apt reply- how good is a timely word!” Finally, Isaiah 50:4 says, “The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.” You see an apt word is a powerful thing! It has the power to bring life, healing, restoration, repentance, and relief! An apt word can make women cry!

The only way to have that apt word is through having an ear tuned to the Sovereign Lord! When my ear is tuned closely with Him all I have to do is listen and speak, listen and speak, listen and speak. When I am listening, I am in His presence, when I speak what I hear I bring others into HIS presence! Being in HIS presence makes women cry!

God is a redemptive God! He redeems everything! I believe God has redeemed the apple! In the Garden it was THE thing that led to death. In Proverbs it’s THE thing that leads to life. The apple is no longer associated with decay. It is now golden!

We were told last week that as you move up in leadership you may have to give away the thing you love to do. I don’t want to give up making women cry. That is something I want to cling to, but if giving it away mulitiplies life then I am willing to surrender my apple of gold to you! So ladies, lift up your hands. “Lord, here are your women! It is an honor to place apples of gold in settings of silver into their hands. May their ears be so tuned to you that out of their mouths spill apt words! May they go out into the world and make women cry because they have brought your presence to them! Amen.”

Os Guiness shares a story of someone who wrote out their epithat while still fully living. I have done the same. I want mine to say, “In life she made me cry: In death, I’m rejoicing!” Either way, it epitomizes being in the Lords presence!

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