Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Finding God

As a kid I found God in nature all the time! I loved to look up to the sky and talk to God! I would enjoy the feel of mudpies between my fingers and my thoughts would be so focused on the sensory delights! I would swing and let the breeze blow against my cheeks as I tried my best to pump my swing over the top of the swing set! Sticks and rocks and pinecones were the best playmates! I would lay still in the grass beneath towering trees and watch them move back and forth in the wind. I would decide what object the clouds looked like and then I would flip myself over and look at the flickering shade created by the sun and trees that were raining down on my back.
Most of my summer days were spent in exploration and discovery of all God created and it was just out the back door!

"Thank you God for where you allowed me to grow up! That place shaped me into who I am today! AND you were there! Even when I didn't know your son! YOU were there and I was searching for you!"

Where did you look for God as a kid? Where are you looking for Him now?
-------Original Message-------

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