Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This one is for all the Mom's out there!

While making dinner tonight, my thirteen year old daughter was sitting nearby doing her homework. I felt led to keep myself in the kitchen where she could hear me and see me (although I had many other things to do in other rooms). While busying my hands with mundane tasks, I was talking with the Lord in my head. I was asking Him things like, "Does it really matter that I am in the same room with her?" "Should I be having a deep discussion with her?" "Is there something that I need to DO?"

My mind then went to the times when I am quiet in the Lord's presence. Those times when I make myself still and just sit in His presence! I LOVE those times. No words or worries are exchanged. It's just wonderful to imagine HIM near me! I savor those times! Much like the times I loved to be in the college library studying with my then boyfriend (now husband). We didn't talk at all. It was just wonderful to know that he was near.

The Lord interrupted my thoughts and I sensed that He was saying, "I value and appreciate what you DO! This being in the same room with your daughter IS valuable to me! It is of great worth!"

I then thought of the little daily tasks that I do every day that no one notices or mentions. I sensed that The King of Kings was saying, "I value and appreciate those things as well! They do not go unnoticed to ME!"

I then thought back to a time when I was a young girl. No one had cleaned a pot of corn that had been on the stove. I kept noticing that pot of corn! No one else did! Finally I threw a teen tantrum and cleaned it! Anger flew out of my mouth as my hands worked the task! As I replayed the scene in my head, I heard in my Spirit, "I valued and appreciated you cleaning that pot of corn!"

Tomorrow is Valentines Day! I just want those moms out there to know that your Abba, Father values and appreciates all that you do!!! HE sees it all!! Nothing goes unnoticed!!!

There is this little line in Genesis 16 that states, "You are the God who sees me!"

I think HE wants you to know that:
HE sees YOU!!! HE values YOU!!!! HE appreciates YOU!!! And all those things you DO!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

You have a blog!!!

I needed this post today. Thank you.