Thursday, July 05, 2007

Loaves and Fish

She sat down and threw her hands up in the air. With tears streaming down her face she looked up to heaven and yelled, "God, it's never enough!!!!! I keep walking this path you have laid out before me and nothing ever comes of it!" Oh, she knows there are little victories here and little open windows there, but nothing seems to come together to show her that the path she is walking is exactly where God would have her. So she tries many paths to find out which one will become her career. She longs to do the thing she was created to do on this earth. People all around her are walking in what they were created to do. She yearns for the same! She is looking for that external confirmation of an internal conviction!
Just a few months ago a workers truck pulled up next to her on the road with a metal sign afixed to the door that read, "Bob, The Plumber." It brought tears to her eyes because she longed for a sign on her door that would explain to the world what she does. Her door is still empty. Every day she hopes that God will burst open the heavens with the answer but only a trickle comes. Amazingly, those droplets have been enough to keep her walking.
However, today is different. As she looked heavenward and yelled out to God she all of a sudden thought of Jesus looking heavenward and asking His Father to bless the 5 loaves of bread and 2 loaves of fish that a little boy had offered to feed 5000 people. God, The Father had honored Jesus request and created enough food to satisfy everyone present PLUS have 12 full baskets left over. She rose from her bed with a new perspective. She looked at Jesus and said, "All I have... I give to you." She has no idea what HE will do with what she has placed in His hands, but she is confident that she put them where they needed to be.

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